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A Dedicated Cadet Is

A Decorated Cadet


As a JROTC cadet you are capable of earning a wide variety of awards to embellish your uniform and act as testaments to what you have accomplished as a cadet, both within the program, and in your community.  These awards may consist of many different items, though they generally include one's ribbons, arcs, cords, medals, and devices. 

These awards are designated to be worn on the uniform, though when this is being done, it must be done properly. The listed requirements for each form of device is outlined below. 


A cadet's ribbons are to be assembled on a ribbon rack, located on the left side of the Army Cadet Service Uniform (ACSU).

For males the ribbon rack is 1/8 of an inch above and centered on the breast pocket.


For females the ribbon rack is aligned on the left, although the bottom of the ribbon rack is parallel with the bottom of the nameplate, which is to be 1 to 2 inches above the top button and centered horizontally in the space. 

Shoulder Cords

A shoulder cord is to be worn with the braided portion under the arm, and the additional loop(s) resting alongside the outer arm. The cord is fastened under the epaulette, or rank tab, on the uniform shoulder. 

Two cords may be worn at once, one on each arm; these cords differ as the cadet increases in year or involvement with the criteria.


Three medals may be worn on the ACSU, centered on the left pocket. Medals are shifted based upon the number, first beginning over the button, then equal distant on each end, finalized by spread into thirds across the pocket.



Arcs are to designate a cadets participation in certain teams and achievements or distinctions they hold. A cadet may wear a large number of arcs, sometimes totaling a number of 15 or so, however, there are generally less than this. 

Arcs are worn on the right side or pocket, centered below the name plate. Multiple arcs are separated a distance of 1/8 inches.



Order of Precedence for Ribbons

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